My colleague Advocatus Diaboli sent me a link some days ago to a post at Jesus in Love, about a new book ("Dark Knowledge", by Kenneth Low) which argues that Jesus was homosexual and sexually active, but closeted - and that was the reason for his trial and execution. AD asked me for my opinion. Before getting to my response, I share some key extracts from Kittredge's post:
“Dark Knowledge
” by Kenneth Low uses rational arguments to disprove much of the conventional wisdom about Christ. According to Low, Jesus was not heterosexual, not celibate, and not happy with his own identity.
Low presents evidence that Jesus must have been homosexual because he was an unmarried man who surrounded himself with men, including John, his beloved male disciple and sexual partner.
Kittredge quotes from Low directly:
In His childhood, Jesus Christ came into His awareness of being the Son of God. His magical authority and other attributes were given to Him as His birthright. As He came into sexual awareness, He discovered Himself to be a homosexual. His awareness of being the Son of God precluded any possibility of denying His sexuality out of some external concern and He began to be sexually active. He was evidently discovered to be a homosexual by people in His hometown and He must have been sharply rebuked and ostracized. He left Galilee and wandered on an endless soulful sojourn seeking a reconciliation of His divinity with His homosexuality. (p. 276)
Toby Johnson, the author of Gay Spirituality and Gay Perspective and a former editor of the "White Crane" journal of gay spirituality, has also written about Dark Knowledge. He summarizes the thesis proposed by Dark Knowledge:
When Low considers Jesus as homosexual, it is as secretive, shamed and closeted, what a homosexual would have thought of himself in an intensely and threateningly homophobic and misogynistic society. His townsfolk would have ignored his teachings because they knew too much about him. He’d have been an embarrassment to his family. The Apostles would have been reluctant to admit they knew him if this fact came out. In this reading of the story, Jesus’s homosexuality isn’t an item of pride, but rather the source of a spiritual crisis that forces him to develop an interpretation of virtue and goodness that isn’t just conformity with Jewish Law, since he himself can’t conform.
(In his review, Johnson praises the originality of the presentation and the manner in which Low re-imagines the life of Christ. He concludes by noting that he is sceptical of Low's conclusion, but finds the book stimulating, and a good read nevertheless).
I stress that I have not read the book, and will not even attempt an assessment. However, I was interested in my own strong reaction to the book's conclusion as presented in Kittredge's review, and where that response led me. That reaction was to the whole concept, that Jesus might have been actively "homosexual" - but closeted. We have virtually no real evidence on Christ's orientation or sexual practice. There are reasonable arguments that he may have been (in modern terms) homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual or asexual in orientation, and it is possible to believe that he was sexually active, or celibate. We may speculate, but we just don't know. I'm comfortable with any of the possibilities - homosexual and sexually active, heterosexual and sexually active - or entirely celibate. I don't believe that it really matters. But the one possibility that I have not considered before, and immediately rejected out of hand in an instinctive, visceral reaction, is the one presented by Low: that Jesus was both homosexually active, closeted and ashamed. Why did I react so instinctively?
Somewhat surprised by the intensity of my response, I tried to dissect it. My conclusion came fairly rapidly: Low's idea flatly contradicts a core belief of standard Christology, that although fully human, Jesus Christ was without sin. If he was without sin, what could he have to be ashamed of?
And that was where assessing my own response became really interesting to me. In going from a standard, conventional belief, that Jesus was without sin, to my conclusion, that this makes it impossible for him to have been a closeted, sexually active gay man, I had made an automatic assumption, that I was previously unaware of. That assumption, was that to be closeted and sexually active, is inherently sinful. But where is the sin? I have made it clear in numerous posts that I do not believe that homosexuality in itself is inherently sinful ( but some forms of inappropriate use of it may be). So if there is sin implied by the assumption, it must lie in the proposition that Jesus was closeted, and ashamed.
Is that a sound assumption? My short answer, which I present before the full reasoning, is yes - the closet is a place of sin (but with an important qualification, which I will get to later).
Before getting to a full consideration of just why I felt so strongly that the closet is a place of sin, I first reflected a little more on the nature of Christ. I have shared before, how my Religious Education classes at school included a lengthy period locating and memorizing Biblical texts on the theme of "God is...." (examples being "God is love", "God is mercy", "God is justice", "God is light", "God is life", and more). A key one here, was "God is truth". If God is truth, and the closet is (by definition) a lie, then God/ Jesus in the closet is a logical impossibility. That doesn't necessarily imply that there is sin in the closet, but the idea prepared the way for more, after some thought on the nature of sin.
My understanding of sin, is it is that which turns us away from God, keeps us from being the best that we can be. As John McNeill regularly reminds us in his books, St Ireneaus taught that "The glory of God is humans fully alive" - and by extension, I see sin as that which keeps us (or by our agency, others) from that glory, of being fully alive. There is abundant evidence from academic literature, from anecdotal evidence, and from my own experience, that coming out is a process of growth, of becoming more fully alive . Remaining in the closet obstructs that growth, denying that process of growth. The closet keeps us from that - hiding us from that full glory of God.
If God / Jesus is truth, the closet is a lie. By hiding our own truth, we are denying the example of Christ.
God is love. Where is the love in the closet? "Love your neighbour as yourself" is the familiar text, but that implies that we must, indeed, love ourselves. Can we truly love ourselves, accept ourselves in all that we are, while denying an important part of who we are?
God is justice. Is there justice in the closet? Is there justice, in a situation where the 80 or 90% of adults are able to rejoice publicly in their loves, and invite friends, family and parishioners to celebrate an affirmation of those loves in church weddings - and some of us feel constrained to hide our loves, or even to avoid love altogether, out of fear?
I could go on, but you get the idea. As I explored my understanding of God, and of sin, it seemed to me clear that the closet restricts our approach to God, in these various aspects. Impeding our access to God, the closet is a place of sin.
But this was a troubling thought. I have often argued for the value of coming out, in church and in the world, but with an important qualification. This must always be only as far as we are able. Sometimes, for personal reasons or by reason of external circumstances, we may not be able. If the closet is a place of sin, as I concluded, what does this say of those who, for whatever reason, find that they are not able to come out?
That led me to some further thoughts on the nature of sin.
First, we must consider the particular circumstances and motivations of someone who is closeted. To take an extreme example, for most Catholic priests, coming out would be reckless, endangering their careers and ministry as priests. In such circumstances, staying within the closet in pursuit of a greater good is morally acceptable, and not sinful.
Next, we must consider that there exists both personal and social sin. If it is true that the closet is a place of sin, that does not necessarily imply that a closeted person is in a state of sin - the sin could lie in the social circumstances (of church doctrine and law, for instance, or the possibility of real and severe penalties). In that case, the sin could be social, not personal.
Now, a little disclosure. The trigger that led to all of the above was in an email from AD, which by chance I read at 3 am one morning (no, that's not my usual time for correspondence). The thoughts I have shared above, were buzzing around in my head for some hours later. They are based on perceptions, and half - remembered school lessons, not any deep knowledge or training in the relevant theology. The argument needs further testing and thought, but I have shared the ideas simply because they have substantially shaken me up. I am certain there will be flaws, in either the assumptions, or reasoning. I welcome responses from any one willing to pick holes in my thesis.
Related Recommended Books:
- Cleaver, Richard: Know My Name
- Glaser, Chris: Coming Out to God: Prayers for Lesbians and Gay Men, Their Families and Friends
- Glaser, Chris: Coming out As Sacrament
- Kelly, Michael B: Seduced by Grace: Contemporary spirituality, Gay experience and Christian faith
- L’Empereur, James: Spiritual Direction and the Gay Person
- McNeill, John: Sex as God Intended
Related articles (Sexuality of Jesus)
- John, the Queer Evangelist
- John the Evangelist, the “Beloved Disciple“
- The Sexuality of Jesus: A Response
- Water into Wine: Jesus’ Gay Wedding at Cana
- LGBT History Month: Queer Icons, in Faith – Jesus Christ.
- Was Jesus Gay?
- Jesus: Not “Gay”, but Genderqueer.
- John the Evangelist: the Man Jesus Loved (Jesus in Love)
- Lazarus: Jesus’ beloved disciple? (Jesus in Love)
Related articles (Coming Out)
- For Full Inclusion in Church, Be “Comfortable in Your Own Skin”
- Coming out as Grace: Patrick Chen, on the “Out Christ”
- Fr Owen O’Sullivan on Gay Inclusion (Pt 2): Why Can’t They Just Keep Quiet About It?
- Coming Out as a Religious Obligation: Micah and Justice.
- "Coming Out": A Gospel Command.
- Coming Out as Spiritual Experience
- Come Out, Stand Proud. (The Catechism Commands It!)
Other related articles
- The Spiritual Gifts of Gay Sexuality
- Finding God in Gay Lovemaking
- Come Out, Stand Proud. (The Catechism Commands It!)
- The Intimate Dance of Sexuality and Spirituality
- Homoerotic Spirituality
- Pastor unknowingly proves that homosexuality is NOT a sin (
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