Sunday 4 January 2009

Book Club

One of the best ways to prepare oneself for the onslaught of religion-based hostility is to read some of the very many books on the subject that have  emerged over the last thirty years or so. But with such a wealth of titles available, and the field constantly expanding, the obvious question is where to begin? To which the obvious reply is, where are you starting from?
The question matters. You need to be clear on whether you want a simple introduction, a general but comprehensive overview for laypeople, or a scholarly tome filled with notes, sources and all the necessary qualifications, ifs and buts. Are you looking for approaches rooted in scripture, or Church teaching, or both?
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The subdivisions at present are:

LGBT Faith

LGBT, Sexuality in Church History - books which  investigate the history (ancient and modern) of responses by the church to sexuality or LGBT relationships.

LGBT Spirituality & Scripture - grouped  for now in one section are books on spirituality from an LGBT perspective, LGBT supportive themes from Scripture, and on analyses of the infamous "Clobber Texts."

Lesbian & Gay Theology, Queer Theology

Sexual Ethics

Biography & Memoir (LGBT, Faith-Based)

LGBT Pastoral Care (including response to HIV/AIDS)

Queer / LGBT

Fiction & Poetry  (LGBT, Faith-Based)

Other Gay &  Lesbian History, Queer Studies

General Faith

Other books on faith and religion

Pages in preparation for specific authors are:

James Alison

John Boswell

Richard Cleaver: Know My Name

Daniel Helminiak

John McNeill

More will be added.

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